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"It is - by virtue of Logical Positivism - scientifically critical to remove all (also of own) human factor from studies in the human fields;- for  greater analytical precision, lesser cognitive biases, and thereupon the dialectically sharp research."

EMPATHY;- technically.


for Empathy, technically remodeled-

Scan thorough all of informational history and likely find not one definition or language  for Empathy unassigned by/in natural dictum, free of the human factor; that is - unconsisting of the words:"other, another, person, self, oneself, own et al."

This phenomena ergo by significance and distinctions for the human fields, critical of reexamination


for such an equivocacy to  compact and better determined  or restricted. 

   “The visceral Comprehension of Contradistinct-Extraneous Conditions per Homogeneity.”

/ Empathy /- vast as subjective and elusive in nature - is a phenomenon very much heuristically abused by the sciences per anecdotes in terminology.

latecnicismo del empatía

model title: The Quadrant of Empathy and Variations in Empathic Types.

↥ above â†¥    preview sees the 16 Jungian Personality Types (mbti/myers–briggs)  sub-categorized into Four Temperaments ( common practice, to be discussed)   whereby attempts of integrating Tetradconjunctionally

from Abstract and Non-Psychometric Fields are to be made. 

↧ below â†§   a self-explanatory diagram whereupon Indicators are bisected as-per definitive "either/or" statements.

model title:

The Quadrant of Empathy and Variations in Empathic Types.

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